Le Prophete Mouhammad
Allah et Ses Anges prient sur le Prophète; Ô vous qui croyez priez sur
lui et adressez [lui]
vos salutations.”
“Al-Ahzâb” (Les Partis : 56)
Un homme dont la présence était immense, intense.
Un être remarquable, d’une beauté distinguée.
D’une grande patience, d’une extrême indulgence.
Il était le plus magnifique, le plus parfait.
Un charisme l’emplissait lorsqu’il se taisait.
Son degré se manifestait lorsqu’il parlait.
Sa parole était belle d’une grande acuité.
D’une rivière de joyaux, ses mots avaient l’aspect.
Entouré de compagnons le suivant de près,
L’écoutant, attentionnés, quand il s’exprimait.
Ils se précipitaient quand il leur ordonnait.
Ils connaissaient la vraie valeur du Messager,
Bien servi et bien entouré. (Suite)
Anéantir l'égo
| Toute réunion qui n’est faite au nom Dieu afin que nous lui offrions notre plus grand respect ou si elle n’est pas faite pour l’honneur du plus bénis des serviteurs, l’Envoyé de Dieu (Paix et Bénédiction sur lui), une telle réunion n’a pas de valeur.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
22 mai 2006
Suivez les véridiques
| Suivez les véridiques, Les véridiques sont comme des rubis parmi les pierres ou comme des émeraudes parmi les pierres. Les hommes ne s’intéressent pas aux véridiques alors qu’ils sont les créatures les plus valeureuses de la création.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
20 mai 2006
Toutes les nouveautes...
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:: You can have the five piasters ::
One day the Hodja was having a leisurely walk when all of a sudden he was slapped by somebody from behind on the nape of the neck with so much force that he was nearly knocked down,
- How dare you hit me!, the Hodja raged.
The young man, who was more than a little arrogant, apologized summarily and said he had made a slight error and had mistaken the Hodja for a very good friend of his. He further opined that the Hodja was making a mountain out of a mole hill.
After this obvious slight, nothing less than a trial by court satisfy the Hodja. He insisted upon this and there was no alternative for the offender but to submit.
The Magistrate heard the parties with apparent impartiality, but in fact he was a friend of the offender and all the time he was thinking of how to extricate him from the mess, at the same time mollifying the Hodja.
- Well, my dear Hodja, he said. I understand perfectly well how you feel. Anybody would feel the same under the circumstances. What would you say if I allowed you to slap him yourslef, would you then call it quits?
No! The Hodja wouldn't be satisfied with that. He had been gravely insulted and wanted justice done.
- Well, then. Having duly deliberated the merits of the case, I hereby fine the offender five piasters, to be paid over to the offended party as damages.
He then told the young man to go fetch the five piasters, and the latter departed with alacrity.
The Hodja sat waiting for the young man's return. An hour passed, then two hours, but there was still no sign of the young man. When it was about time for the court to close, he selected the Magistrate's busiest moment and giving him a mighty slap on the nape of the neck, said:
- Sorry I can't wait any longer, your Honour! When that fellow turns up, tell him that i said you are now entitled to the five piasters
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
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