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The quilt is gone, the dispute is ended

Nasreddin Hodja was awakened in the middle of the night by the cries of two quarreling men in front of his house. Hodja waited for a while but they continued to dispute with each other. Hodja couldn't sleep, wrapping his quilt tightly around his shoulders, he rushed outside to separate the men who had come to blows. But when he tried to reason with them, one of them snatched the quilt off Hodja's shoulders and then the both of men ran away. Hodja, very weary and perplexed, returned to his house.
- What was the quarrel about? wondered his wife when Hodja came in.
- It must be our quilt, replied Hodja. The quilt is gone, the dispute is ended.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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