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Le Prophete Mouhammad

Allah et Ses Anges prient sur le Prophète;
Ô vous qui croyez priez sur
lui et adressez [lui] vos salutations

“Al-Ahzâb” (Les Partis : 56)

Un homme dont la présence était immense, intense. Un être remarquable, d’une beauté distinguée. D’une grande patience, d’une extrême indulgence. Il était le plus magnifique, le plus parfait.

Un charisme l’emplissait lorsqu’il se taisait. Son degré se manifestait lorsqu’il parlait. Sa parole était belle d’une grande acuité. D’une rivière de joyaux, ses mots avaient l’aspect.

Entouré de compagnons le suivant de près, L’écoutant, attentionnés, quand il s’exprimait. Ils se précipitaient quand il leur ordonnait. Ils connaissaient la vraie valeur du Messager, Bien servi et bien entouré. (Suite)

   Sagesses & Connaissance
Le pouvoir de Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Dieu dit: si vous êtes en difficulté et que vous ne voyez pas de solution à vos problèmes, faites appel à Moi et dites Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Cheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 06 mai 2007
Tant que l'humanité fuira l'Islam, ses problèmes augmenteront
Tout ce que fait la technologie c'est nous déshumaniser sans jamais nous donner de repos. L'islam est un trésor caché, même dans le monde musulman. Tant que l'humanité fuira l'Islam, ses problèmes augmenteront.
Ch. Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 27 fevrier 2008
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Offrez le Salut d’Allah avec sincérité pour obtenir Sa Satisfaction
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   Citations  et anecdotes
:: Timur's Elephant ::

Timur turns one of his male elephants over to the people of Aksehir ordering them to take care of it. In addition to wreaking havoc in the town, the elephant becoems a terrible burden on the people who are too poor to get decent food for themselves. A group of them visits Hodja with a request:
-Please ask Tamurlane to take the monster back.
Hodja says:
-Form a committee. Let's all go together. I'll serve as your spokesman.
A committee is formed of about fifteen prominent citizens of Aksehir. Hodja joins them, they set out, but since these people are terrified of Timur, they vanish one by one. Each one has an excuse:
-I've got to pass water, I've forgotten my tobacco-box at home, etc.
Assuming that the committee is right behind him, Hodja briskly walks into Timur's tent and begins to make his plea:
-Sir, the people of our town...
He turns his back a little to point them out and suddenly realizes that not one of them came into the tent. Since he had started making his plea, he continues:
-The people of our town are so happy with the male elephant...They are happy beyond words, but there is a slight problem: The animal is lonesome and unhappy. We would like your Majesty to consider giving the people of the town a female elephant as a companion for him.
Timur is overjoyed to hear this plea.
-All right, he says. I shall do what the people wish, as soon as possible.
Hodja goes back to town. People gather around him asking him anxiously:
-Please tell us, Hodja, what happened?
-I have great news for you, beams Hodja. To keep the male calamity company, a female calamity will soon arrive. Now you can rejoice.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
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Chercher l'agrément du Prophète
Source: Sunnah.org :: 08 septembre 2004







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